Friday, November 15, 2013


Algebra 1 Students,

Start studying for your test now. It will be on Thursday, November 21st. 
Have a great weekend!

~Ms. Ellis

Monday, October 21, 2013

Second Quarter Has Rolled In!

Hello there Tigers,

We are now in quarter two.  How quickly it has approached.  Please take a look at your personal and academic goals and reflect on them.  Analyze what you are doing and how you are doing.  If you are achieving your goals, keep up the good work!  If you are not quite there, make some changes and step it up.  Make sure to focus on what you need to do to accomplish those goals.

We look forward to a productive and math-filled rest of the 2013 year. :o)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Happy New Year Mathletes!

Welcome back returning Tigers! And we look forward to meeting you new Tigers as well!

Tonight is our meet and greet and the start of the new school year is just around the corner. We look forward to enlightening you and to another successful school year!

See you all Monday! :o)


Ms. Martin and Ms. Ellis

Monday, March 11, 2013


Algebra Students!

Don't forget about the Chapter 9 test on Wednesday. Make sure you look over your notes and do your homework to prepare. Have questions ready on Tuesday so we can review.

-Ms. Martin

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter Break

Hi Students,

Enjoy your winter vacation, but don't forget to do all of your assignments. :)

-Ms. Martin

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Break

Hello Algebra Students,

I know that we have the week off from school, but there is still some homework. Make sure to check what the assignment is, I want you coming back refreshed and ready to go!

-Ms. Martin

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Second Trimester!

Hi Math Students!

We are now in the second trimester of this school year. Please be sure to keep up on your homework, classwork, and notebooks in addition to practicing good study habits. We will be reflecting on your Smart goals next week so try and analyze your grades and assignments prior. Also, keep in mind that tutoring is available Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:15 to 3pm if you need some extra help or if you have questions. Miss Martin and I look forward to a successful and progressive second trimester! :o)

~Ms. Ellis