Thursday, August 30, 2012

Spirit Day and First Test!

Tomorrow is our first test. Please be sure to complete your review assignments and prepare questions for Miss Martin that you need extra help on.

Also, tomorrow is our school's first Spirit Day! Dress in red, white, and blue and receive some extra credit!

Have a wonderful day and study hard! :o)

~Ms. Ellis

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grading of Notebooks


Last week was the first submission and grading of notebooks. Some of you were confused about why you got a certain grade. Refer to the rubric that is pasted/stapled into your notebook. It lets you know why you got the score that you got. For example, if you did not have your table of contents filled out, you got a 7. Before notebooks are turned in again this week, make sure to refer back to the rubric to ensure that you get full points for all your hard work! Also if you weren't here on Friday or didn't have your name in your notebook, come by Ms. Ellis or my room before or after school to fix your grade.

-Miss Martin

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Greetings Tigers!

Ms. Ellis and I would like to welcome you to a new school year. This blog will keep you informed on events going on in our classroom through out the year. It is also a great resource if you have questions on certain lessons. Mrs. Bloom our current vice principle and former Topaz math teacher has spent countless hours creating videos to support your math learning. So check out the videos! In addition all homework assignments can be found in the tabs at the top of the blog, so look for either 7th Grade Homework Assignments or 8th Grade Homework Assignments. We both wish you continued successes this school year.